Gas Injection Modification

This feature is only available for oil reservoirs, when the reservoir has a Trap Volumetrics or Source & Trap Volumetrics calculation method. It allows you to model the impact of gas injection on production. In the table, you can enter the Recovery Factor as a function of the Swept Oil PV fraction (ratio between the cumulative injection and HCPV or hydrocarbon pore volume) and can also be modified by the Bg (formation volume factor) entered below. At each row production and injection performance curves are selected from defined Performance Groups allowing curves to change as a function of this ratio. Only groups with a Table Performance Type can be selected for the decline, and groups with a Custom Performance Type for the injection.
If a Gas Injection Modification table is enabled, the Recovery Factor in the Reserves Tab is no longer editable.
- Add: Insert row.
- Delete: Delete selected row.
- Sort: Sort the table by first column (ascending).
See more details in the On Gas Injection Modification section.